lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

“Uno no sabe lo que tiene hasta que lo pierde”... 
...Y yo que lo perdí, no me arrepiento de nada!

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

"Todos los días estoy lleno de esperanza, pero hoy, por alguna razón que ignoro, no puedo ver claro hacia el futuro..."

El Bolsón 2011

Mi corazón permanecerá donde mi cuerpo no podrá volver jamás”

-John Forbes-

“Ningún muchacho es un verdadero Scout si no ha salido de campamento. 
Se ha perdido lo mejor de todo.”
-Lord Baden Powell-

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Y si para nuestro amor no encuentro un buen adjetivo
es porque te amo mucho, mucho más
 del te amo que te digo

sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

There are no unlockable doors, there are no unwinnable wars, and there are no unrightable wrongs or unsingable songs. 
There are no unbeatable odds, there are no believable gods, and there are no unnameable names.
There are no impossible dreams, there are no invisible seams.

There are no uncriminal crimes, there are no unrhymable rhymes, and there are no identical twins or forgivable sins.
There are no incurable ills, there are no unkillable thrills.

There are no unachievable goals, there are no unsaveable souls, no legitimate kings or queens.
There are no indisputable truths and there ain't no fountain of youth.
One thing and you know it's true

viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

The seas only gaves their hard blows, and ocasionaly, the chance to feel strong. I don't know much about the sea, but I do know that's the way it is here. And I also know how important it is in life not neceserelly to be strong, but to feel strong. To messure yourself at least once, to find your self, at least once, in the most ancient of human condicions, facing the blind and thef all alone with nothing to help you but your hands and your own head.
-Into the wild-

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

- Why do I always fall for the bad girls?
- You didn't know she was a bad girl.
- Pff.. I know she wasn't good. Do you have anything a little bit stronger?....  Thank you. Let me refrese this. Why do I'm atractted to a person I know isn't good?
-Happened to know the answer to this. Because you're hopping you're wrong, and every time she does something that tells you she's no good, you ignore it, and every time she comed through and surprises you, she wins you over, and you loose the argument with yourself that she is not for you.
-Exactly. And on top of that, it's the old stand by, I can't believe a girl like that, would actually be with a boy like me.
-Listen, I know it's hard to believe when people said "I know hay you feel".. but I actually know how you feel. You see, I was seen someone back in London. We work for the same newspaper. And then I found out he was also seen this other girl, Sarah, from the circulation department, on the 19th floor. Turn out that he wasn't in love with me, like I thought. What I'm trying to say is I understand feeling as small and as insignificant as humanly possible, and how it can actually ache in places you didn't know you had inside you, and it doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get, or gyms you join, or how many glasses of chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends... you still go to bed every night going over every detail and wonder what you did wrong, or how you could have misunderstood, and how in the hell for that brief moment you could think that you were that happy. And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he'll see the light and show up at your door. And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new, and you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again, and little pieces of your soul will finally come back. And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted, that will eventually begin to fade.
-The Holiday-

martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

Corazón de cristal

Me gusta estar reposado si tengo mucho que hacer volver a casa temprano cuando la tarde empieza a caer. Y que la lluvia me moje y secarme con el sol llevar mi mente muy lejos donde nadie estuvo. Me gusta estar abrazado a mi mujer que es mi dios que quema como como el fuego que arde alla en el medio del sol Me gusta tener tu risa y tu mirada tambien si los demas tienen prisa dejemos todo y a empezar otra vez. Donde vamos corazon donde vamos, corazon de cristal donde vamos corazon de cristal. Me gusta el campo a la noche para salir a fumar que la luz buena se acerque y el gran secreto me empiece a contar. Que soy feliz con muy poco un arbol y una mujer un cielo grande, mil estrellas ellas nunca me van a dejar caer. Donde vamos corazon donde vamos, corazon de cristal Donde vamos corazon de cristal, corazon inmortal.

domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011


Don't kid yourself
And don't fool yourself
This love's too good to last 
And I'm too old to dream
Don't grow up too fast
And don't embrace the past 
This life's too good to last 
And I'm too young to care
Don't kid yourself
And don't fool yourself
This life could be the last
And we're too young to see